Dry Eye Treatment
Dry eyes are uncomfortable, frustrating, and impossible to ignore.
Treatment is available to restore comfort and reduce the hassle of dry eyes.
Feel like you've tried everything? A doctor can help.
Professional Dry Eye Treatment Provides Lasting Relief
You Can Address Annoying Symptoms
The most obvious benefit is a lasting reduction in uncomfortable side effects like redness, itchiness, blurred vision, and that persistent feeling you have something in your eye.
Lifestyle Changes Can Help
Often, breaking bad habits and other small steps can make a huge difference. Set a timer to remind yourself to take breaks during computer use and talk to your doctor about medications that might be contributing to your condition.
Most Treatments Are Gentle and Non-Invasive
Drops (both wetting and medicated), eyelid scrubs, and specially formulated supplements are painless and extremely easy to use.
Dry Eyes Affect a Huge Number of People
Take the Dry Eye Quiz
Although you should consult a medical professional with experience treating dry eye, you can typically diagnose yourself by answering a questions:
Do your eyes sting, burn, water, or feel scratchy?
Are your eyes often red?
Do you have difficulty wearing contact lenses?
Is your vision blurred?
Have lifestyle changes and over-the-counter drops failed to provide a lasting improvement?
Is It More Than Just an Annoyance?
For some people, dry eyes might simply be due to seasonal factors and never cause more than passing frustration. For others, the condition can impact their comfort and even quality of life.
Untreated dry eye syndrome can develop to a degree that it causes pain and blurred vision. Because a sufficient quantity of moisturizing tears is needed to protect the cornea, severe cases could lead to increased risk of infection, scarring, and ulcers on the surface of the eye.
Diagnostic Technology Can Pinpoint the Root Cause
The most exciting advancements in the treatment of dry eye are related to diagnosing the root cause of patients' symptoms. Corneal topographers, for example, can analyze how long it takes tears to evaporate. This can determine whether patients have an issue with meibomian gland function. Other systems test tear samples for signs of inflammation. On the treatment side, in-office machines that heat and massage the lids can ease discomfort.
Most Treatments Require at Least Several Weeks
Some dry eye treatments, such as punctal plugs, require one step and may achieve nearly immediate relief. But most therapies, such as compresses, eyelid hygiene regimens, or medicated drops, require at least six weeks or up to several months before you can expect to see results. Unless your symptoms are seasonal, you will need to maintain these treatments year-round as long as your doctor recommends.
Track Your Symptoms and What Works for You
Treating dry eyes takes patience. The best way to find whether conservative lifestyle adjustments will help is to keep careful track of when your symptoms flare up. Hay fever, a new face lotion, or starting a new medication might be the cause. Writing this information down and sharing it with your doctor is a good place start.
Once you've begun a type of treatment, stick to it. Your doctor can give you an estimate of how long it should take to notice an improvement. Assess how you feel and be honest if you're not happy with the results. You might respond better to another type of drop or entirely different treatment.
The Results Can Be More than Cosmetic
Effective dry eye treatment can literally be life-changing for some patients. Have your eyes been too dry to wear contacts? Do you avoid makeup because your eyes stream? Do you constantly feel like something is in your eye? All of these concerns can be overcome with the right intervention. Patients can generally expect better vision, greater comfort, and healthier, clearer-looking eyes.
Drink More Water & Get More Sleep
People with dry eyes often fail to understand how simply changing their lifestyle or habits can greatly improve dry eye symptoms. One underestimated change that can dramatically reduce symptoms is to get proper amounts of sleep, and to make sure you are adequately hydrated by drinking plenty of water every day. Troy Bedinghaus, board-certified optometric physician
Restore Your Comfort and Protect Your Vision
To effectively treat your condition, your doctor will first pinpoint the root cause of your dryness. If prescription eye drops cannot adequately manage your symptoms, you may need a procedure to treat the glands that produce tears. Temporarily plugging the tear ducts at the inner corners of the eyes might also be recommended. In severe cases, the drainage ducts can be permanently closed.
Dry eyes are a common problem that should not be ignored. Speak to an eye doctor about the cause of your symptoms for a personally tailored treatment plan.